Wednesday 10 April 2013

The beginning of something great

Hello world. :) 

Join me in my knitting journey, as I take the first hesitant steps towards becoming a master knitter...

Not too long ago, I was stuck in the middle of nowhere during yet another bout of major flooding in Queensland, Australia. There was no running water and no electricity for several days. What's worse, no electricity meant no internet, which was the biggest problem of them all. The roads back home were cut off and we were stuck, with nothing left to do but enjoy the company of the family. 

On the first night of this little adventure, my father-in-law suddenly pulled out a giant ball of yarn and some bamboo needles. He had been meaning to learn to knit and, since we were stuck with nothing to do and crafts genius nanna happened to be there, what better time than there and then? My sister and mumsi-in-law quickly joined the knitting fun, while I threw occasional glances their way. 'How old-fashioned of them' I thought, as I continued to drain the last bit of battery power from my phone. 'What's the point of knitting?' I kept asking them. 'How many scarves can one possibly need?'

When my phone finally died, I graciously joined them and permitted nanna to teach me this mysterious art of spending time. And that was the beginning of something great. 

Join me on my knitting journey, as I learn to knit and purl, and bravely attempt to master the mysteries of knitting in the round, decreasing in pattern, making one, failing at lace and whatever else awaits me. 


  1. this is a nice blog! :) would you consider posting quick tutorials or something?

    1. Thanks heaps. :)

      Yes, I'm definitely planning on posting some quick and easy instructions on the things I'm learning along the way. There will also be patterns, the first of which will go up next week. Watch this space.

    2. Grand greetings to the natty neat knitter with nary a knot!!! ... I would love to join you in your knitting journey ... and I would love to learn the spiral pattern beanie ... because Winter's fast approaching and my ears get cold!!!
